Syncell today announced that the company founder, Dr. Jung-Chi Liao, has received the 2020 Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Outstanding Research Award in the field of Physics. This prestigious annual award is given to researchers with outstanding long-standing scientific and technological achievements in both basic and applied research. The award serves as an acknowledgment and encouragement for talented researchers who have been devoting their career to fundamental or applied research to improve the level of Taiwan’s academic research and academic status in the international community.
For more than a decade, Dr. Liao has delved intensively into superreolution microscopy and have been applying this powerful tool to study complex biological problems. In 2008, Dr. Liao accepted a faculty position at Columbia University and his lab has a focus on superresolution microscopy. Later on, he met Dieter Egli and Rudolph Leibel, who are interested in ciliary functions and were trying to image primary cilia using superresolution microscopy. That was the starting point when Dr. Liao moved his research focus towards the understanding of primary cilia using superresolution microscopy.In 2014, Dr. Liao accepted a position at the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences (IAMS) of the Academia Sinica. “I have been continuing my research focus (at IAMS) on primary cili-um research using superresolution microscopy incorporating more techniques including 2D and 3D dSTORM and sptPALM in addition to STED,” he says. “We revealed the molecular ar-chitecture of the transition zone and the distal appendages at the ciliary base. Our transition zone study provides a structural framework for functional studies related to transition zone proteins that are important for various ciliopathies. Our distal appendage study re¬defines the architecture of distal appendages as two different regions, that is, the distal appendage blades and matrix. Thus, instead of a nine-blade architecture, the appendage region is a cone-shaped structure essential for the regulation of transmembrane protein passage. In addition to using superresolution microscopy for studies of biological problems, my team has also devoted a lot of effort to develop a new microscopy-based spatial biology research system, Microscoop®, that would be broadly applicable for the cell biology community.”
“Since Dr. Liao joined IAMS, he has been active in promoting bioimaging research in Taiwan,” shares his institutional colleague Chia-Lung Hsieh. “He has always tried to make Taiwan a better place for bioimaging/biophysical research. He is willing to serve the community, to bridge the local community to the global.”
About MOST
The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) is the government ministry of Taiwan for the promotion and funding of academic research, development of science and technology and science parks. The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), originally established as the National Science Council (NSC), Executive Yuan on February 1, 1959, is the government agency dedicated to science and technological development. Its three main missions are promoting nationwide S&T development, supporting academic research, and developing science parks. In this age of knowledge economy, S&T innovation has become the key driver of economic growth and national progress. MOST continues the traditions of promoting academia-industry partnership and encouraging innovations; on the other hand, it reinforces the impetus for R&D in industry, fosters S&T creativity, assists startups and industry development.
About Syncell
Syncell is a development stage company with a vision to revolutionize in situ cell biology and biomedical research. The company will soon introduce its groundbreaking Microscoop® platform, the first and only system that allows users to pick up, identify and quantify thousands of known and unknown proteins in specified cellular and subcellular locations. Microscoop® is pairing unique imaging and illuminating capabilities with novel photolabeling chemicals to provide deep spatial proteomics insights to transform a wide range of basic biology and translational research including neuroscience, oncology, immunology, infectious disease, gene therapy, and to identify novel therapeutic targets with spatial context to accelerate drug discovery and development programs.